27 August 2010

Buluh Runcing Part 1

(Indonesia) has its own internal political problems but we don't want Malaysia to end up being the victim.
Datuk Seri Anifah Aman
Menteri Luar

Membuak-buak panas di hati bila Buletin Utama (26 Ogos, Khamis) jam 8 malam tadi menyiarkan Jalur Gemilang dipijak-pijak oleh sekumpulan CELAKA di seberang sana.

Tak tahulah apa yang ungkapan yang sesuai diberikan kepada mereka melainkan CELAKA!

KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIA said yesterday that it had run out of patience and sent a protest letter to Indonesia after a demonstration triggered by a maritime dispute saw human faeces flung at its embassy in Jakarta.

Its protest came just as Indonesian nationalist group People's Bastion for Democracy (Bendera) - whose members were involved in the embassy incident - threatened to hold a 'sweeping' operation against Malaysians in Jakarta.

The group said it planned to 'deport' Malaysians in protest against the alleged violation of Indonesia's sovereignty.

The protests broke out a week ago after three Indonesian maritime officers were detained by Malaysian authorities in disputed waters.

Indonesia yesterday said it was investigating reports that the three officials had been abused during their detention, but called for calm on both sides.

Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said Jakarta had sent a protest letter to Kuala Lumpur on Aug 18 in which Indonesia 'strongly condemned the arrests'.
The Straits Times [klik]

Tahniah saya ucapkan buat Datuk Seri Anifah Aman kerana tegas tika berhadapan dengan desakan puak-puak anti-Malaysia khususnya BENDERA.

Bersambung [klik].

Taman Permata, Hulu Kelang WPKL